Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Birdhouse Themed Quilt

 Hello Everyone!

Changing things up a bit today with a Spring themed quilt!   I made this quilt for one of my besties.  I gave it to her for her Birthday. 

The pattern is from an Annie's quilt book called "Quilting for the Home".  I changed the size for my project.
The pieces were hand appliqued and the quilt was hand quilted.  This is wall hanging piece and is about 18 inches x 24 inches.

I made some yo-yos from fabric to simulate flowers on the branches. 

Hope you enjoyed a bit of quilting.  I will be back next time with my Spring birds.

Hope you are having a great day.



  1. Oh wow Karen this is gorgeous and bet your bestie loved it x

  2. Wow Karen what a gorgeous quilt, your friend will love it.

    Hugs Diane


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