
Friday, December 3, 2010

Blogging Award

Hi Gals,
I have just been honored with the Stylish Blog Award from my blogging pal Ira. Thanks so much, Ira, for the honor. Check out her blog. She has re- purposed an old writing desk. You have to see it!! Ira also received the award for all her stylish postings.
This is my first blog award and I am pleased as punch. Thanks again Ira!
This comes just when I need cheering up. I have been quite down since my Husband was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. Thanks for the lift!!
Love Ya, Karen

1 comment:

  1. Dear girl,
    you really deserve the award for all your beautiful creations, I always love to come on over to see what you've made and to "have a little chat".
    My heart goes out to both of you, I sincerely hope that your husband's treatment will be successfull. Your love and support will lift him up and we blogger girls will try to be of comfort to you Karen. If there's anything I can do for you just let me know, ok? Big hug from me to you, Ira xox


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